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Captain's Meeting Agenda Recap

Season 16 Captain's Meeting

Corner Pub and Grill

May 20th, 2018 at 5:00 PM

-Pitching Speed Gun Rules

-53 MPH Max

-Violations only occur when pitcher is being gunned.

-First Violation: 2 Balls

-Second Violation: 2 Balls

-Third Violation: Walk

-Fourth Violation: Pitcher Removed

-If First Strike of the At Bat is looking you are out rule still in effect -Review run rule system, 7 is still limit but can max at 10. -Pitching Limitations 30 IP in a season. -No Metal Spikes Reminder -Keep In-Game position switches to a minimum. If you do switch, you have to tell the statistician.

-Porta Potty Rentals, 2 will be at the field.

-House will be locked due to construction. -Parking Reminders, please do not double park unless you planned it with that person. Parking in the front grass means you CANNOT park over the sidewalk or in the street/shoulder. If parking in Ridgemont, please park on the side closest to the field only. Please Carpool or take Uber as well. -As much as possible try and keep LF foul area clear between third base and the foul pole for gameplay reasons. Please sit more behind Home Plate, RF Line, Pool, or Outfield are preferred spots. -SpencerGear Merch will be available if you ordered before the 13th. -There will be a 50/50 raffle going all weekend. One dollar per ticket, or 6 for 5 dollars.

-Please keep friends of friends invites to a minimum.

-Please drink responsibly and Uber. Captains are responsible for teams. -Recycling Rules - please make sure this year you are recycling in the proper bins so we can take it each night to a can/bottle collection. -Payments Still Due – 125 Dollars Per Team by First Game. Captain’s Responsibility -Bat Rules – Tape Handle Only, Modern Era Bats Only -Scheduling Time Limits Enforced (Delay of Game Penalty 1 run per 3 minutes, minimum of 1 run) -Live Streaming Games of the Day, if interested in being an announcer, let Sam know. -Sportsmanship is the key to this weekend, show it.

Season 16 Daily Events: Fri: Opening Ceremonies 4:30 PM, Corner Pub and Grill Social Night at 8:00 PM, HOF Meeting at Corner for those that are eligible to vote. Get an article in if you have been playing for 7 years. Sat: Skills Comp: HR Derby, Louisville Chugger, Drunk Runner, Bat Throw, Fielding/Pitching Relay

-Please bring team beers for events, 6 pack is needed per team. Sun: All Star Draft and Game, Gus is away captain, Blake is home. Mon: Awards Ceremony/BBQ - Families Invited (Potluck)

-Social Media Team Updates, Many and Often -Three Snapchat Filters in 2018

See everyone in a few days!

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