Winter Meeting Recap

This past Sunday brought the 2016 Winter Meeting held at Corner Pub and Grill. We had our largest turnout in our league's history and we thank everyone for coming out for a great time talking wiffle. Here are some of the more important notes of what we can expect for Season 14...
Season 14 Goals:
-For the first time in our league's history we will be video taping ALL games and activities.
-New Sponsorship Possibilities
-Shearwood Forest Greenhouse
-Corner Pub and Grill
-Steve Hays Father
Season 14 League Changes:
-Welcome our new teams: Phillies and Astros
-All Star Game will not be held on Sunday and the Skills Competition on Saturday
-2016 All Star Game – NL is Home, Blake and Scott are captains.
Rule Changes:
-Unrestricted Free Agency will now begin earlier, January 15th, 2016 at 5:00 PM.
Open Floor Discussion:
-Upmires discussed, will stay with teams call their own plays.
-Flex Schedule will be used in 2016 to give time priority to playoff important games.
Registration/League Fees
-Season 14 Registration is now open online. Only veterans who did not play in 2015 and rookies need to register.
-League Fees (60 dollars per team)
-Jerseys/Matching Colors needed for 2016
-Free Agent Process and Contracts will be emailed to Captains in the coming week.
National Update
-National Recognitions – Teams and Wiffy Awards
-London and NWLA Tournament (July 15-17)/Regionals (June Weekend)
-Dates to remember:
-Registration Period: January 1st – March 15th
-Unrestricted Free Agency Begins: January 15th
-Rookie Draft: March 2016
-Captains Meeting: Mid May
-League Fees due BEFORE first game on May 27th.
-Season 14 Dates: May 27th-May 30th
If you have any questions, email the front office at