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Twas The Night Before Christmas

Article by: Sam Skibbe

Well, it's finally here.

I usually am in bed by ten on a weekday. Tonight, I can't sleep. A whole year of planning ends as we reach our goal of SWBL Season 10.

I thought this day would never come. In February of this year I found myself longingly looking at my calendar as this weekend seemed so far in the distance. Throughout this year my team has struck disasters around every turn. My longtime rival turned franchise player tore his ACL and my singing powderkeg is out with a sprained wrist. We may seem out but we are not down, for this weekend is all about getting back to where we want to be, on the field.

It was a tough decision to change the league format to complete a long season in just 4 days but I truly believe it is for the better. This weekend will be one of the best memories of our lives. Not just the game, popsicles, or beer, but the companionship, competition, and the smell of the fresh field and plastic bats.

Tomorrow morning I arise like a child on Christmas Day. This league has been my baby since it's inception and tomorrow I can't wait for the league to unwrap the gift of wiffleball.

Tonight we dream of the game, tomorrow we live it.

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